Hemphill Copperworks & Mendenhall Studios - NO MORE

Hi all, passing the good word I have closed shop at my downtown location, relocating back to my home studio. Life is good, ART is the best. Stay positive during this pandemic, one day we’ll be back to normal. I can be found cruising around town in the CQ or you can contact through my website. Thanks all.

Wow! What happened to 2020?

Obviously I have neglected to post recent Art happenings. With the current COVID-19 pandemic I’ve been closed in like the rest of you. Late March 2020 I relocated my welding equipment back home, rebuilt new work bench and went to work, from home. Fast forward to end of June I totally rebuilt back portion of Copper Quad Art Car. Out with the old granny seat, in with a new racing Recaro seat! With that came a new design and name for machine on door. Using 3/16” cold roll steel rod I formed up the trunk design. Welded steel to steel which makes for a most excellent weld. Then came time for making a ton of steel rivet tabs, then welded on @ 5/32” rivet. Artwork of course had to be added to all panels and took a considerable amount of time to do. All by hand with a few hammers, punches, awls and engraver. Trunk had to open to access the two new Lithium 52 volt batteries. I installed a 1 - 2 switch to switch from battery 1 to battery 2. You have to manually check battery charge. With the trunk recently completed my goal has been achieved. Goal: Make reliable human power / electric assist transpo. I did and have been riding back and forth to work. Mission Accomplished!

End of the Art year 2019

Really don’t know where the time goes, maybe kayaking on good days is the answer? Anyways lots of new works as of late. Keeping up with a changing theme every month for Arts Alive keeps one busy. Busy is good. I’ll be open along with Glass Garage weekends in December. Stop by for some most excellent deals!

Post ARTS ALIVE!! May 2018

Cinco de Mayo & ARTS ALIVE all rolled into one fun time. Octo Madness hit the streets and was a big hit, thank you all for the great coments. Feedback such as this continues to fuel my Artistic need to do Art every single dang day.  Next up, functioning 'lectric geetar, copper body almost complete. Standby for more great Art!